国内外专家是如何看待这些谣言的?中国的器官捐献与移植事业又获得了国际器官移植权威机构专家怎样的评价?今天,无邪君带你一起去会场了解!How Chinese and international experts view these rumors?How international experts think about China’s organ donation and transplantation? Now, let me take you to The 4th China-International Organ Donation Conference to check out。
Campbell Fraser(Professor of Griffith University):“This paper on BMC, they criticize on COTRS, we already established that there is no scientific basis for the paper。 This paper is a political document。 This paper is just part of the coordinated dark forces that try to frustrate China progress。 They are try to destroy all the work we have done。”
责任编辑:张瑶国产机器人面临转型关键年:国内机器人产量增长快,但高端少澎湃新闻见习记者 张唯机器人产业正面临转型的关键年。4月18日,北京航天航空大学教授、机器人研究所名誉所长王田苗在2019中国机器人产业发展论坛上提到,近期,全世界工业机器人产业出现了产量下滑或者负增长的情况。
一个散布多年的谣言从2006年开始,别有用心的反华组织一直无端攻击中国器官捐献与移植事业。他们甚至妄称“中国每年有6万至10万例器官移植”,绝大多数来自所谓“良心犯”。rumors:Some anti-China political organizations frequently attack China organ donation and transplantation。 They even falsely claiming that “there are 60,000 to 100,000 organ transplantation in China every year”, and those organs are harvested from theso-called “Prisoner of conscience”。
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